Thursday, 26 April 2012

Eco-Stats paper rated in Faculty of 1000

Our recent paper on confounding of mean and variance effects in multivariate analysis has recently been rated as a "Must Read" in the Faculty of 1000, a platform providing post-publication peer-review and selecting only the most important articles in biology and medicine. Just 2% of published articles are highlighted on Faculty of 1000 each month, and I'd say the rate is a lot lower when you get outside of medicine and biotech, so it's a bit of a coup getting an Eco-Stats paper in there!

The review was contributed by Ferdinando Boero and Stanislao Bevilacqua, Universita' del Salento, Italy, and highlights the importance of thinking critically about the properties of methods of data analysis, and how suitable they are to the data at hand.  We think this is a particular issue in multivariate analysis in ecology at the moment.

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