Sunday, 10 July 2011

Recent breakthrough successes

Eco-Stats members have had a busy time of it recently, a big congrats to:
  • Yi (Alice) Wang, who was awarded a UNSW Goldstar Award valued at $30,000 for 2011 to continue her fingerprinting research.  These awards are for applicants to the Australian Research Council who submitted an excellent grant proposal which was unlucky not to receive major funding.  Well done, Alice, and good luck in the next round!
  • Ian Renner, awarded the EJG Pitman Award at the recent Australian Statistics Conference for best student talk.  See this news article for details.
  • Alex Brown, who was accepted into Harvard as a PhD student.  She's off to work with Paul Moorcroft in ecological modelling in August.  Wow!

Friday, 8 July 2011

mvabund v2.2-5.3 online now!

mvabund is a a set of tools for displaying, modeling and analysing multivariate abundance data in community ecology. mvabund v2.2-5.3 has been tested on R-2.13.


Welcome to the Eco-Stats blog! The Eco-Stats Research group is a bunch of researchers at UNSW working in ecological statistics. The main purpose of this blog will be to post updates of what past and present Eco-Statisticians are up to. For more details on what we're about, go to